Saturday, September 17, 2016

Building a Community of Learners in Kindergarten

The first weeks of Kindergarten are a time for learning and exploration. We learn the names of our new friends, learn the routines of our classroom and learn all about working together in a school community. Students learn what is expected of them, and this can set the tone for successful learning for the rest of the year. Here are some activities we have been doing this week:

Bean bag games- We learn a variety of bean bag games that are fun an engaging. Students practice following directions and learn how to work together. Pass that bean bag!!

 Dancing & Brain Breaks - Students get many opportunities throughout the day to move their bodies and take a brain break. Our school is a healthy school, and we encourage students to get plenty of exercise. Here, we are doing a conga line dance for Mrs. Nesser's birthday!

One great way to build a sense of community in the beginning of the year is by singing together. Here is one of our favorite songs to sing together at the end of the day: Five Little Speckled Frogs!

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